
I Can POST at work

Uh-oh. You know what that means. And I've recently gotten aware of Wal-Mart's desire to take over NYC. I just might have found my new crusade. I abhor Wal-Mart. I absolutely hate Wal-Mart, they are the devil incarnate and definitely represent the debilitating imperalist-capitalism that keeps this world horrible for so many. Wal-Mart No Way, a group of concerned community members in Brooklyn (where Wal-Mart hopes to stage its take-over) is eloquent in this description:

"People ask us what's the "one thing"that has set us off about Wal-Mart. Well, there is no one thing”, because Wal-Mart's business practices and corporate ethics are absolutely terrible on virtually any issue. Whether it's discrimination against women employees and immigrants, engaging in union-busting, expanding our trade deficit with China, violating environmental protection laws, driving suppliers into bankruptcy, moving the global economy towards sweatshop production, or not offering health care benefits for its workers, Wal-Mart is destroying our country's economy and trashing our values. And since its employees often have to rely on food stamps to eat and go to county hospital ERs when they get sick, taxpayers end up subsidizing Wal-Mart's low-wage, low-benefits business practices."

I really think Wal-Mart entering NYC is a horrible thing. I think it's bad whereever they are, however so much of NYC's charm are the small neighborhood stores, grocers, meat markerts, clothing places and locally owned shops. It's distressing to think about their demise. We have GOT to keep Wal-Mart out.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

walmart finally killed someone directly -- in houston...


8/19/2005 5:23 AM  

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