
Day 1 - L.A. to Alb. - Part 1

I didn't sleep the night before we left. I wish I could say it was because of nerves, excitement, maybe I'd eaten too much at my going away party and couldn't get comfortable. But the fact of the matter was that I wasn't fully packed yet. Completely unprepared, I still needed to pack up my luggage, clean my room and throw away a lot of shit that I'd accumulated. So I couldn't sleep because I still had things to do. So the night before we left, I pulled an all-nighter to get myself ready to go. It was so boring, really sad and totally unworthy of mentioning again. Suffice it to say, I am extremely happy that the night was over.

Around 4am I called my mother, I knew she'd be up and I was so needing to talk to someone. We talked while I continued throwing a lot of crap away and she was my company until I went to pick up Santiago around 5am. While I was going from my apartment to the dumpster and back again, all I kept thinking about was that I hoped I wasn't killed. Some background information: my apartment was broken into, my car hit, and the sound of helicopters in my neighborhood is a common one. What was so freaky was the silence and the realization that anyone could pop out of the darkened bushes and attack me. So I have to admit that part of my motivation for calling my mom as I started to throw my crap away, was for security reasons. She'd know what happened to me if a psycho came out of the bushes. My biggest threat: a coyote (or rabid dog, whatever they have in the fucking boonies), walking through my parking lot. He was a minor disturbance as I didn't see him again before I left.

I picked up Santi, we packed up the car and we were on our way. I drove first and I was tired. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrred: is probably a better description. We drove into the sunrise, with the blinding light bordering on dangerous in the way it obscured my vision. Getting out of California took forever and it was really boring. Things got prettier once we hit Arizona. The landscape took on lots of red, burnt orangish undertones, with lots of rocks as well. A change of scenery from the flatlands of Cali. We hit the Grand Canyon around noon, and I'm here to report that it is indeed...a grand canyon. It was a bit fuzzy when we got there, remnants of a nearby fire we believe, but it was still pretty amazing. I didn't realize how big it was, about a 4 hour drive from the South or the North (we were at the Southern part), and you can even see the Colorado River going through it. It's amazing to know that the river is so powerful and timeless in it's destructive capablities.

(What else is timeless in its destructive capabilities is inept drivers on the road. We saw a lot of those on our journey. The least of which were in CA and AZ. I think Texas wins on that front, but that's another story.)

We left around 1:30 and hit the road for NM. I'll get into that tomorrow.



This is what I love about my city.

I just came back from dinner with mommy and godmommy and now I'm off to Border's for some book shopping. Today, I got my car serviced and my hair done. It's been a wonderfully productive and eventful day. Even if I have to go back to the temp place to redo the Excel portion of the evaluation.

Upcoming attractions....
A detailed account of my cross country adventure, especially for Ann.
Maybe something creative, I've been inspired by this great book Amy recommended to me: Interpreter of Maladies by Jumpha Lahiri.
Some newly scanned pics! Stay tuned!!


ATL to D.C.

I drove all the way to ATL and then to D.C., I'm so proud of myself. I didn't even feel too tired, and I'm sure that seeing Amy then Keilyn helped. I'm with Keilyn now, I'm very happy.


The Original Sin City - New Orleans, LA


I don't know if I can say more because I don't know if I can type more because I am battling a raging headache, nausea (although I'm sooo hungry) and other hang-over type symptons. Ugh.

New Orleans really is the city of debauchery, that's all I have to say.


Don't Mess With Texas

Apparently, you'll get a ticket for driving 10 miles above the speed limit.
And freeways will turn into streets through podunk towns, undergoing construction, thereby further limiting your driving speed.
Oh, and it's a huge frickin state.

But...got internet access again. :) Don't know why since only Ann cares, and I can just email her from a cafe. The rest of you suck.


Albuquerque, New Mexico

That's where I am right now.
We are staying with Santi's friend Dierdre, which is nice because she left for the night to stay with her boyfriend so we have the house to ourselves.

Hurrah Highlights thus far:
The Grand Canyon. (though it was smoky cuz of a nearby fire)
Santi driving a lot because I was tired.
Watching The Notorious C.H.O. (finally!) on my portable DVD player.
Getting internet access.

Shitty Highlights thus far:
Our cooler isn't working (it's the type that goes into the 12V port in the car)
Semi trucks that constantly cut us off on 2 lane freeways.

So far, so good :). Next update: Austin, Texas.


This is a nice picture...

of Emily and Diamond. They look cute :).

Almost done

I'm almost all packed up and ready to go.


Writing a Poem

i'm gonna write a poem
like nikki, sonia, gwendelyn, audre
and even bell at times
i know that my time has come
and other times i realize its not
that serious for me
to write a poem i look to nikki
first she has the attitude
black love, black power, black revolution
both in my house and when i die
second i find some weed and shower
in my bathrobe i like to sip BL while
pondering the content of my poem
is always about me
its ok to think of my blackness with
rage for the facist pigs who exploit it
and shit on it as they masturbate while
pondering its ethnic-ness,
i mean when i write a poem
thats what i do

i'm gonna write a poem
in the style of my foremothers whom
inspired me to be me
loud, intimidating, big and bold
i don't want comments
i want answers
i don't want opinions
i want answers
i don't want talk
i want action
freedom is action, liberation is action
i want it all when i write a poem

i thought at first that
writing would be about love
and life or loving life and
life's loving liveliness
is what it means to have peace
for over lots of centuries
when billions live in war for all
their liveliness and thereafter
maybe what it means to have peace
is to complain that only 1mill
folk have been deployed to bring democracy
to a nation of poor women and children
bear the ultimate costs of peace
i find peace in writing a poem

i know that sonia wasn't calm
when writing all poems
we too are wounded in the house of a familiar
feelings of rage, hurt and pain for the lost
are rational and necessary
i am a terrorist
stop me from my power to rise above
your hate and deceit to crush
your power and existence
yes i am still alive but more than
living i am loving which means that
i am willing to kill for my heart
i would be cautious, amerikka for
writing a poem can lead to clarity
of liveliness and hope will crush your
peace, this is a poem for sure

ha ha audre
i am afraid but i am not silent

An old poem

My heart like
my hair i constantly
have to pin up, pin down
tie tight.
The tightly curled afro
of uncombed strands
are too...
distracting, disturbing,
wild, free.
My hair like
my heart in its natural state
is unmanageable, untameable
rebellious, free.
You shouldn't sit behind me
or approach me from the front.
It might be overwhelming.
And if its dry, calm
a day after it has been slept on,
with no covering
my heart can appear
unattractive, unkempt
unsupervised, free.