
Writing a Poem

i'm gonna write a poem
like nikki, sonia, gwendelyn, audre
and even bell at times
i know that my time has come
and other times i realize its not
that serious for me
to write a poem i look to nikki
first she has the attitude
black love, black power, black revolution
both in my house and when i die
second i find some weed and shower
in my bathrobe i like to sip BL while
pondering the content of my poem
is always about me
its ok to think of my blackness with
rage for the facist pigs who exploit it
and shit on it as they masturbate while
pondering its ethnic-ness,
i mean when i write a poem
thats what i do

i'm gonna write a poem
in the style of my foremothers whom
inspired me to be me
loud, intimidating, big and bold
i don't want comments
i want answers
i don't want opinions
i want answers
i don't want talk
i want action
freedom is action, liberation is action
i want it all when i write a poem

i thought at first that
writing would be about love
and life or loving life and
life's loving liveliness
is what it means to have peace
for over lots of centuries
when billions live in war for all
their liveliness and thereafter
maybe what it means to have peace
is to complain that only 1mill
folk have been deployed to bring democracy
to a nation of poor women and children
bear the ultimate costs of peace
i find peace in writing a poem

i know that sonia wasn't calm
when writing all poems
we too are wounded in the house of a familiar
feelings of rage, hurt and pain for the lost
are rational and necessary
i am a terrorist
stop me from my power to rise above
your hate and deceit to crush
your power and existence
yes i am still alive but more than
living i am loving which means that
i am willing to kill for my heart
i would be cautious, amerikka for
writing a poem can lead to clarity
of liveliness and hope will crush your
peace, this is a poem for sure

ha ha audre
i am afraid but i am not silent


Anonymous Anonymous said:

wonderful ... now why have you been hiding that creative light?

7/09/2005 5:53 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

I think that I haven't had much time to really think about it. As I'm moving stuff around, I'm finding my old stuff and I'm like...why, I remember when I used to do this and I enjoyed it and I miss it. So hopefully, I'll do more. The long drive might be inspirational, too.

7/10/2005 3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said:

are you driving alone? I love driving alone...does allow for a lot of *head* time. :-) I started Sacred Heart Diaries on a solo drive from DC to around Detroit. Helped me stay awake ;-)

What route are you taking? Going through the center? I guess, because you're starting out higher in the state, you won't go anywhere near I-10 -- wait...forgot! You may well go that way if you're combining trips.

Fun...I'm jealous :-)

7/10/2005 7:59 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

My friend is coming with me, which I'm happy about, so I can write/take pics while he's driving :). It will also be good bonding time for us cuz I'm gonna miss him terribly. I plan to treat myself to the Diaries tonight and tomorrow night, maybe it'll give me inspiration for writing. Good writing does that ;).

We are taking the Southern route, leaving from L.A., we won't get on the 10 til Texas cuz I want to go to the Grand Canyon, so we're gonna take the 15 to the 40, then from Texas, New Orleans, Atlanta going up the East Coast. I actually live right on the 10 and I hear that route where we are is kinda desolate, the 40 is a bit prettier. We are taking the scenic route :).

7/10/2005 8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said:

you are excellent

7/10/2005 9:43 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

you are sweet :)

7/11/2005 12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said:

:-) I lived in AZ for so many years (though all before being 18) and have never visited the grand canyon

I-10 can be a pretty desolate route...cool at night with a full moon, though

good, more pics when you're done, yes?

7/11/2005 5:19 AM  

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