
A sad mood.

We all have them. Sometimes, I think I have them more than others but I know that's not true. Right now, I am having a negative mood. I know that my feelings are a bit irrational, and I am working to get out of my funky mood by actually talking to other people, calling friends, talking. But I have to admit that my reasons for feeling sad are a bit embarassing. I have a problem with what I consider "weak" feelings. I get more shit because of being "angry", "militant", "controversial", but I actually am more comfortable with those feelings then with the ones that are "lonely","sad", "disappointed", "depressed". While I am definitely not overwhelmed in my life right now, I'm pretty busy doing what I like to do. Big changes always make me anxious. I spend my time reflecting on my past action, berating myself for lost opportunities, spending my time with nervous energy because of what is to come. Butterfly stomach about the future and through it all feeling like shit for feeling like shit. Pretty shitty, huh? You know what would make me feel better...(besides that)?


Anonymous Anonymous said:


what would make you better (besides *that*)?

those interim periods (and this is a good-bye period for you, too! even harder) suck.

hope you're feeling better already!

6/14/2005 2:07 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

I am feeling better already, thank you :) I went out and danced and had fun. Plus, I am home now. Sometimes I just get in moods and I have to push through. I'm happy I got through this one without any crying or bitchy irreversible behaviour towards friends and family. Thank you for your post :)

6/15/2005 12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said:

:-) I think it was that css style sheet gamma wave *s* temporarily infecting your brain


which means I looked at your source code, went eek! dreamweaver and css and unplugged my computer

will see what I can thrash out tomorrow

6/15/2005 5:42 AM  

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