June is bell hooks Month
A prolific writer, philosopher, teacher and person, dr. bell hooks has been one of the most influential scholars in my life thus far. She talks about everything and anything, with a focus on cultural criticism and media represenation. She provides a sharp analysis, with a loving vision towards hope and peace. Grounded with the theory of Stuart Hall, Sut Jhally, and Thicht Nat Hahn, I believe she serves as one of the few conscious Black women representing for Black women as well as all people striving for a better world. I've had the pleasure of meeting dr. hooks and she is as sweet as she is sharp. I hope to hang out with her again, soon!
Many of you already reading this know about my love for her and many of you match me in my admiration of this wonderful woman (what up D, Joy, etc - PoCo!). So, I've delcared June...The Month of bell hooks! This month I will post a quote, quotes from her publications that have inspired me to do some thinking. I'll try to hit as many books as I can, but I do have my favorite. All in all, I hope to update at least once a week, but might do more if the mood strikes.
For those who are already familiar with dr. hooks' work, sit back and enjoy a trip down memory lane. For those being introduced, run...don't walk, to pick up her work. I hope you enjoy it.
Happy June, everyone!
Many of you already reading this know about my love for her and many of you match me in my admiration of this wonderful woman (what up D, Joy, etc - PoCo!). So, I've delcared June...The Month of bell hooks! This month I will post a quote, quotes from her publications that have inspired me to do some thinking. I'll try to hit as many books as I can, but I do have my favorite. All in all, I hope to update at least once a week, but might do more if the mood strikes.
For those who are already familiar with dr. hooks' work, sit back and enjoy a trip down memory lane. For those being introduced, run...don't walk, to pick up her work. I hope you enjoy it.
Happy June, everyone!
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