
Hurricane Katrina Disaster

I wish I was giving a link where people can go to help out. But right now, the government (YES THE GOV), needs to move fast and furiously to clean the place up, get out the debris and begin to fix the break in the brigde over Lake P. (Which is beautiful, I guess I'll finally be posting those New Orleans pics). Then we can move in through Habitat, etc. to begin to rebuild.

I think old TX military bases need to be opened and people should be housed there. I think massive flights (free) out of the city, to safer places should be first and foremost. Persons are literally trapped.

This is the time that government, state, local tax money needs to be used. What's this 72 hour bullshit that the government has for those who sustained losses? (Oh yeah, I read the blogs of ALL parties, especially the ones in power...know thine enemy). Those who sustain loses can register online for assistance...ON WHAT COMPUTER, WHERE! Or is this for those who have companiese in New Orleans (and surrounding areas) rather than those workers/livers who are stationed there. That's right, first move is to insure the loss of big corporations. Whatever.

So how do I know where to donate my money, I wondered? The BBB has this great site, Give.org that shows reports of all charitable giving organizations. Of course I looked up the Red Cross because that seems to be the only org that EVERY place is supporting. Check out their report here: http://charityreports.give.org/Public/Report.aspx?CharityID=679. The CEO's salary is $468,599. I guess when their expenses are over 3 billion, with 2 million of that for BioMedical, I think I'll look to Habitat for Humanity.


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