Today is My Birthday and I have a lot to say! - updated!
So for lurkers who read my blog, feel free to come out and post! Although I presume that really only Ann, Sonja and Joy read it, and you've posted so no worries. update: Ana just sent me an ecard, she reads my blog, too! Hi Anita (who lives in D.R.!)
This morning I went to register at a temp agency and it went well. Hopefully I will be working next week. I'll be registering at more throughout the next couple of days. I also renewed my license until 2016, but the really exciting part was that I didn't have to take a new pic :) (I like my current one).
Amy and I are going for lunch and hopefully I'm back to posting about politics. Here we go:
I am very excited that Mr. Weiner stepped down to allow Mr. Ferrer take the Democratic primary. Although many feel Mr. Bloomberg will win by a landslide due to his popularity with both parties (I mean, I had to argue with my own mother about how a billionaire, ruling class mogul was NOT a good choice for dealing with the needs of the mostly poor and working class NYers), I think it's important to have a person of color in the mayoral elections. NYC has a need for a person of color to represent the residents of NYC, especially with regards to real estate and public education. Mr. Bloomberg fights to maintain and increase the money and power of those in the ruling class. NYC is built from and runs because of the working class, and we need a mayor who will put our agendas at the forefront for once, our priorities of cleaning up our streets, providing public school teachers with the resources they need to do their job, and providing a living wage, rather than a mayor who bogs teachers down adminstrative bullshit, campaigns to move the Jet stadium, or who provides stricter police security in posh downtown neighborhoods.
Speaking of another Republican who needs to get the hell out of office, let's talk about the fanfare surrounding the impeachemnt of Mr. Bush. Sugis has a great article today about it, one that spurred me to revisit my own post. Unless we plan to impeach Mr. Bush and pull him from office (which probably won't happen because his actions of lying during Katrina are in no way as severe as lying about receiving a blow job in the White House), then we need to shut up about approval ratings. Intead we should aggressively write our local State representatives, in Congress and the Senate about putting pressure on this adminstration to help the victims of Katrina.
Furthermore, I'm sick of these silly polls that dailykos blogs about that asseses the public's approval rating of Mr. Bush. That man does not give a rat's ass about an approval rating and seeing that the next Presidential election is a long time coming, his adminstration doesn't give a rat's ass either. I'm sure the smart, crafty Republicans will orchestrate a ridiculous "scare" or man made travesty that will assure voters put faith and trust in the American way of conquering all.
No one will disagree that Mr. Bush is done as a respected leader of this nation. But what we need to address is that he was always a tool of the rich, put in place to secure and maintain the interests of his class, and his time in office will come to a close in 3 years. Mr. Bush has always been set, and with a nice retirement check that we will pay for with our taxes, he ensures that his children and grandchildren can have a little extra pocket change to fund thier nights of partying and lawlessness without tapping into their own personal dynasty. I appreciate dailykos and the work on keeping us informed, but enough with the damn polls. Urge people to get out and vote, or better yet, to go and get others out to vote. Blog about writing, each blogger post the letter that you sent out to an official about your discontent with this administration. Polls mean shit when the rich are able to leisurely walk to the voting booths, or send in an absentee ballot while the working class are too tired to untie their shoes, let alone follow the hoopla and confusion of campaigning politicians.
But anywho, it's My Birthday! :)
This morning I went to register at a temp agency and it went well. Hopefully I will be working next week. I'll be registering at more throughout the next couple of days. I also renewed my license until 2016, but the really exciting part was that I didn't have to take a new pic :) (I like my current one).
Amy and I are going for lunch and hopefully I'm back to posting about politics. Here we go:
I am very excited that Mr. Weiner stepped down to allow Mr. Ferrer take the Democratic primary. Although many feel Mr. Bloomberg will win by a landslide due to his popularity with both parties (I mean, I had to argue with my own mother about how a billionaire, ruling class mogul was NOT a good choice for dealing with the needs of the mostly poor and working class NYers), I think it's important to have a person of color in the mayoral elections. NYC has a need for a person of color to represent the residents of NYC, especially with regards to real estate and public education. Mr. Bloomberg fights to maintain and increase the money and power of those in the ruling class. NYC is built from and runs because of the working class, and we need a mayor who will put our agendas at the forefront for once, our priorities of cleaning up our streets, providing public school teachers with the resources they need to do their job, and providing a living wage, rather than a mayor who bogs teachers down adminstrative bullshit, campaigns to move the Jet stadium, or who provides stricter police security in posh downtown neighborhoods.
Speaking of another Republican who needs to get the hell out of office, let's talk about the fanfare surrounding the impeachemnt of Mr. Bush. Sugis has a great article today about it, one that spurred me to revisit my own post. Unless we plan to impeach Mr. Bush and pull him from office (which probably won't happen because his actions of lying during Katrina are in no way as severe as lying about receiving a blow job in the White House), then we need to shut up about approval ratings. Intead we should aggressively write our local State representatives, in Congress and the Senate about putting pressure on this adminstration to help the victims of Katrina.
Furthermore, I'm sick of these silly polls that dailykos blogs about that asseses the public's approval rating of Mr. Bush. That man does not give a rat's ass about an approval rating and seeing that the next Presidential election is a long time coming, his adminstration doesn't give a rat's ass either. I'm sure the smart, crafty Republicans will orchestrate a ridiculous "scare" or man made travesty that will assure voters put faith and trust in the American way of conquering all.
No one will disagree that Mr. Bush is done as a respected leader of this nation. But what we need to address is that he was always a tool of the rich, put in place to secure and maintain the interests of his class, and his time in office will come to a close in 3 years. Mr. Bush has always been set, and with a nice retirement check that we will pay for with our taxes, he ensures that his children and grandchildren can have a little extra pocket change to fund thier nights of partying and lawlessness without tapping into their own personal dynasty. I appreciate dailykos and the work on keeping us informed, but enough with the damn polls. Urge people to get out and vote, or better yet, to go and get others out to vote. Blog about writing, each blogger post the letter that you sent out to an official about your discontent with this administration. Polls mean shit when the rich are able to leisurely walk to the voting booths, or send in an absentee ballot while the working class are too tired to untie their shoes, let alone follow the hoopla and confusion of campaigning politicians.
But anywho, it's My Birthday! :)
happy birthday!
happy birthday!
happy birthday!
happy birthday!
i've been trying to make my own's not coming out well ... i think i'm going to have to slap a "belated" in between happy and birthday :-(
Thank you! :)
I'm excited about the card, take your time.
*d* it -- now the pressure's really on
maybe i should just mail a real card? i am feeling quite inadequate on the creative front
no!!! I'm excited. What happened to the LJ? I got away for a few days and it's gone. I'm really sad, please bring it back.
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