Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night started off a bit slow. I was being productive on the designing tip, doing some research, but didn't want to feel like a loser. So I texted some ppl and saw they were all doing different things. Went to M's room for dinner with her and K. S told me she was smoking and chillin so I went over to her place after dinner and smoked and we watched the end of Face/Off. Her boyfriend made some good french fries, and we just munched, watched the movie and talked about life. I ran into L & H after I left S's room, and we went to the PiG after running into Mbo. Drank there, went to Veer's, drank there, too. I got into an argument with Mbo about Black Label:
Mbo: "Why are you drinking Black Label - you should drink Castle. It's South African."
Me: "I don't like the taste of Castle."
Mbo: "You just like Black Label because it's from the U.S.A. and it makes you feel more at home."
Me: "Castle tastes like shit."
-- Mbo was right, Carling's Black Label is originally from the U.S. This does not change the fact that Castle tastes like shit.
While at Veer's I saw Andrew -- the very cute short guy who "likes" me. I put "likes" in quotation marks because I think Andrew is more excited about the idea of going to the U.S. He's really cute though and if he was taller, he could get it.
After Veer's, we came back to campus, went to the party near the Matrix and I tried to dance but the guys just wanted to chill in a cipher and be annoying guys. I eventually got pissed and went home. Proceeded to puke (although I only had 2 beers, and 1 glass of wine) and pray to the Lord. I was able to really understand how posionous alcohol is for one's system. After walking around for a little bit (ha!) I finally was ok enough to sleep.
Saturday Diamond called and woke me up. We talked for an hour and a half, it was wonderful! I miss you, D! I ended up going to Rosebank and meeting up with K and M. We shopped leisurely, ate, and just talked. I decided I wasn't going to Durban this Easter break. I'm not really in the mood to hang around with the crowd that's going and I can save some money and chill with the ppl I'd rather chill with right here in Joburg. I figure I'll get to Durban once Sonja comes, if not before.
About half an hour after I got back from Rosebank, L stopped by. The guys were on their way to a club in Yeoville and he didn't feel like going. So we chilled and talked for a while until he got a phone call - turns out that G got caught at a roadblock for drinking and driving and needed L to come bail him out. R800. So I went with L to pick G up. Oh what an experience. I sat in the car with W and T for about an hour, I had to pee so it was fun going to the jail and having to explain the situation. Thank God I had someone with me who spoke Zulu, or it would've been a bit awkward. When G gets out, he's just running at the mouth, in his giddy and playful way. He kept complaining about his arm. Turns out -- they took a blood sample from him. For what, we're not sure. The breathalyzer proved that he was intoxicated, so it's a bit interesting that they also wanted a blood sample. G's words for the night,
"You know, what I found most hurtful was the Xenophobia in that police station. They were totally rude to foriegners and I found that most of the people in there, arrrested, were people who weren't South African."G is from Zimbabwe.G tried to convince the rest of us to drink some more, but I had to break it down to him -- that's what got him in his predicament in the first place. Besides, my stomach was still queasy and no one else was wanting to party by that time, either. G ended up crashing on my floor and taking my spare toothbrush (again!).
Sunday I stayed in all day doing absolutely nothing. Didn't even go back to Rosebank for groceries. I figure I'll just have to get L to go with me into Braamfontein or I'll just try to finagle a ride to Campus Square during the week.
Awww, sounds like a wonderful weekend! :) Miss you..
i agree! you need to start taking pictures of these folds... i'm starting to lose track!
and by "folds" i meant "folks" -- long day!
I know. I didn't want to call them out my name, seemed too much. So I used initials. I'll take pics instead, ha!
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