
Can you keep a secret?

I'm not that excited to go to South Africa. And furthermore, I seriously think I might scream if one more person asks me "When do you leave for South Africa?". I'll tell you when I leave. Relax. Stop stressing me. Damn. When do YOU leave for South Africa?

No, I still don't have my ticket. Yes, I hope I still have housing and yes, the South Africa consulate is on some bullshit saying that I need to give a $800 deposit for repatriation of remains (that's basically the fee to bring my remains back to the US if I die in South Africa). I already have insurance, what is that deposit for? Are they really trying to come up on some money that they'll "refund" when I come back. What!?! Of course, my scholarship coordinator says that the $800 isn't needed. So I have a feeling I'm gonna have to get beligerent or at the least, insistent when I go to get my Visa. Hopefully, that won't slow down my process as a consequence. I'm gonna need all full 10 days.

Oh, I'm a spoiled brat? Millions would love this opportunity? You can't believe I'd be so crabby about such an amazing year I'm about to have? Bite me?

Anywho, shout out to nsekuye for bringing some Paris love to the blog (that's right, I moniter my site stats now). Hopefully I'll get a blog up dedicated specifically to Joburg. I have one I paid someone to do, foolishly, since I'm not using, nor do I like the design. I want to do something new, but I have NO ideas. Do ya'll have any ideas of what I can do as far as a design for my SA blog? Should I have a separate blog for SA? Does anyone care? Right now, I sure don't.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

no, don't do separate SA blog-- i don't like change and i'd have to change the address for 'jacque's blog' on my navigation bar...
i really understand your ambivalence about the upcoming year. i feel like we had a similar conversation after you came back from the DR about how people put so much pressure on the 'abroad experience' to be so life changing and an amazing opportunity and something that will finally make you some type of legitimate global citizen or something. and it's bullshit. obviously, whatever your experience there turns out to be, it will be impactful on you and your life in significant ways. and yes, i do think that it's an amazing opportunity. but it's also one that you worked damn hard to get-- so feeling ambivalent or even (gasp!) negatively about going doesn't mean you don't appreciate the opportunity, etc. but it also doesn't mean that you don't deserve it and the reality is that it's your year/fellowship/experience to do with it what you wish. maybe you just need to let yourself be not-very-excited. at the end of the day you're still going. and it'll be what it is. yours.
shit- should've saved this pep talk for a going-away card or something. oh well:)
p.s.- your hair looks great twisted:)

1/05/2006 5:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said:

you leave the first week of february ... the day or so before the LSAT ... you will be sorely missed

is there some way on this blog to categorize your posts?

1/05/2006 5:10 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

Jo -

Thank you. I do remember that conversation. I think I'm smarter when I talk to you. Or maybe you just let me ramble long enough to actually formulate my ideas so I sound smarter. Will I see you before I go? Thanks for the hair comment, I did it myself :).

Ann -
I am going to stay in contact, I promise. No matter what I have to do. No comment on the LSAT.
As for the blog, that's the annoying part of blogger, they don't really have a "category". I'm thinking of erasing my past posts and just starting fresh. I don't know that I want the traffic I'll soon get (read: Mommy and Grandpa) to read some of these entries. They already think I"m a little "off".

1/05/2006 6:32 PM  

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