
My Life in the Next 12 Months

Neptune (planet of making dreams come true) will run the show, so get ready for an exhilarating year! First you need to address the obvious challenge: You're stuck. You've been feeling cooped up and overburnded for a long time. Why feel obligated to keep dealing with mess you didn't create? Because you're a Virgo, the sign of work and service, and you like to make everything around you perfect. But the fact is, your contributions are underappreciated. In 2006, a door will open for you. New opportunities will spring from ordinary people and surroundings. Then, you'll discover what your true specialty is! The coming months will bring you major attention once you put the finishing touches on a pet project. In the process of seeing your vision through, you'll show your decisive-and at times, agressive-side. As a result, you'll gain respect.

For someone so caring and faithful, you'd think love would be a piece of cake. Why isn't it? Simply put, you don't know how to play games. To your credit, you're truthful and intense. You're also deeply vulnerable and tend to lose yourself during the search for a soul mate. This year, your roller-coaster-like emotions will give way to inner peace. And thanks to a lunar eclipse, your newfound, even-keeled focus will help you make a serious commitment with smoeone who's effect on you is always uplifting. You'll be surprised at how liberating joy feels!

You're a taste-maker who has influence over people and events. Now, cast your hypnotic spell on the doubts that hold you back. Talking yourself out of insecurity will b e your key to success.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sounds like you're going to have a good year...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

12/22/2005 2:56 PM  
Blogger sonj said:

hey! what's mine?

12/22/2005 4:25 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

Anita - Thank you!

Sonj - What's your sign?

12/22/2005 9:20 PM  
Blogger sonj said:

aries! is this one that you got from glamour?

12/22/2005 10:41 PM  
Blogger Jacque said:

Excuse me, Marie Claire, thanks very much.

12/23/2005 12:12 AM  
Blogger Jacque said:

Sonj, I'm looking for Aries. (I didn't actually buy the mag, a co-worked did.)

12/24/2005 4:12 AM  

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