
When work comes....

update: we CAN eat the food. I repeat, the food is available for us to eat.

it pours!

I'm thrilled with the many job events I have now, so when I start bitchin' that I'm tired, remind me that I'll be able to reach my savings goal, thereby allowing me to have a money stress-free time in SA because I won't be worried about how my bills in the U.S. are being paid because I will have saved up. *whew, that was a lot to think about, let alone type*

I'll be working this weekend, 8am-6pm Sat and Sun at the Lexus car show, and of course my favorite part of the instructions are:

All staff should be directed to bring lunch with them to the site each day as there will not be time to leave the property in search of lunch options and the food available at the event is not to be eaten by staff.

The second part that ticked me off (emphasis mine):

All staff will be provided with the uniform shirts, and jackets when applicable. (Of which we must return on Sunday). All staff must wear BLACK pants. Shoes should be comfortable and black is preferred. Tennis shoes are not permitted.

Double wow. The no sneakers rule is annoying, because in subsequent instructions we are told that all staff should be aware that they may be standing the entire day. Let me get this straight, I'll be standing the whole day, approx. 10 hours, in comfortable black shoes that aren't sneakers? How about being realistic and advising staff to wear decent all black sneakers. Perhaps they'll be paying my podiatrist/chiropractic bills?

And the final wow:

You are not a registration clerk. You are an Ambassador. It is your job to greet each and every attendee with a smile, a good morning or afternooon, and a thank you for attending. Remember, you will be representing Lexus and we must provide the same impression and level of service that would be expected when walking into a Lexus dealership.

Ummm, anyone who's been to a Lexus dealership, can you let me know how one is treated? Perhaps I'll engage in some "research" and go to one such dealership/ I do remember when I went to buy my first car, the salesman approached me in somewhat of a scary and manical "friendly" manner. In fact, I wanted to report many of them for harrassment. So...act like a crazy stalker?

Those who know me well, and I think all 5 of you who read my blog would qualify, would be relieved to know that I'll be inside that air-controlled tent, using the computers to check people in. So I won't be forced to acted as stalkerish as the greeters and surveyers. I will, of course, report back.

Oh, and I got locked out my house today and my selfish brother thought it would be cool to galavant around Washington Heights and take an hour (rather than the short 15minutes) to get home and let me in.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

uhm...i'm not sure what kind of service i'd get from a lexus dealer ... i freaking hate car dealerships

9/23/2005 12:18 AM  
Blogger Jacque said:

I'm actually excited to go back for my next car, if I get another one, and be a real bitch. I'm soooooooo excited.

9/23/2005 5:14 AM  

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